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Y’all Give Great Estate Planning Advice

Our blog and video content may be good, but it's no substitute for personalized estate planning advice.

At Kimbrough Law, we believe that educated people make better decisions. That’s why we produce so much educational content on the blog at, in the videos on our YouTube channel, and in the radio spots we run on stations in the Athens, Gainesville, and Greensboro area. It’s why we give presentations to all kinds of groups and organizations throughout Northeast Georgia.

Not long ago, we received some interesting feedback from someone who heard us on the radio. “Y’all give great advice,” the person said. “It’s so helpful that I’m planning to go off and create my own estate plan.”

This comment gave us a chuckle at first. And then we realized that he was probably serious.

Yes, we want you to be an informed buyer of estate planning and elder law services. We may talk about a specific problem and solution in our blog, videos, or presentations, but you can’t use that alone to guide your planning. There’s no way that our one-size-fits-all educational content can address  your individual goals, your family, your dysfunction—all the things that make your situation unique.

Our content is designed to help you recognize the problems that a poorly crafted estate plan—or no estate plan at all—can cause. Solving those problems isn’t something you should have to do by yourself. A qualified estate planning attorney can help you clarify your goals and choose the right legal tactics to achieve them. That’s not something you can do on your own. What’s right for a friend or neighbor may not be right for you.

The only way you can create an estate plan that you know will work as intended is to contact an experienced estate planning attorney. There is no substitute for sitting down with somebody who has specialized knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge to your specific situation.

Are you ready to get good estate planning advice? Kimbrough Law is standing by to help. Call 706.850.6910 to schedule your confidential consultation.

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