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VA Aid and Attendance Rates Increase

VA Aid and Attendance benefit rates are adjusted every December. Read on to see the changes effective December 1, 2024.

VA Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits provide monthly payments added to the amount of a monthly VA pension for qualified Veterans and survivors. If someone you are caring for is a wartime veteran or the surviving spouse of a wartime veteran, they may qualify for VA Aid and Attendance.

Benefit rates are adjusted each December. Below are the benefit rates effective December 1, 2024.

VA Aid and Attendance Benefit Rates





Veteran with One Dependent







Aid & Attendance (A&A)



Single Veteran







Aid & Attendance (A&A)



Surviving Spouse







Aid & Attendance (A&A)



Healthy Vet with Ill Spouse



Two Married Veterans (both A&A)



Each Additional Dependent



Wartime Periods for VA Benefits

If your veteran served during one or more of the following wartime periods, the veteran or his/her surviving spouse may be eligible for VA Aid and Attendance.


12-07-1941 through 12-31-1946, Inclusive

*Considered “wartime” if in service on 12-31-1946 with continuous service before 07-26-1947

**For Merchant Marines: 12-07-1941 through 08-15-1945


06-27-1950 through 01-31-1955, Inclusive


02-28-1961 through 08-04-1964, Inclusive for veterans who served in Vietnam during that period

08-05-1964 through 05-07-1975, Inclusive for all veterans

*Note: TWO periods for Vietnam


08-2-1990 through a date to be prescribed by Presidential proclamation or law (Date yet to be determined, since the current war on terror is considered a continuation of the Gulf War)

*Note: Veterans who enlisted after Sept. 7, 1980 or entered active duty after Oct. 16, 1981 must have served for at least 24 consecutive months or for their full period of active duty. Certain exceptions apply in specific circumstances.

Could Your Loved One Be Eligible?

VA Aid and Attendance benefits can make a real difference in quality of life. Kimbrough Law has helped many hundreds of older veterans and their surviving spouses qualify for these benefits. Call Kimbrough Law today to find out if you or your loved one might be eligible. Call 706.850.6910 to schedule a consultation.

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