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Bring a Kimbrough Law Speaker to Your Group!

Kimbrough Law offers experienced and engaging presenters who can address many topics related to the challenges of aging, long-term illness, and disability.

There is no cost to book a Kimbrough Law speaker!

Topics can be customized for CPAs, CFPs, attorneys, case managers, social workers, discharge planners, other healthcare professionals, or the general public. These presentations are perfect for community groups, civic organizations, senior centers, caregiver support groups, long-term care facilities, and any group whose members are facing issues related to the care of older adults.

Below is a list of a few of our most popular presentation topics, along with brief descriptions.

Medicare and Long-Term Care

Could you get stuck with a long-term care bill that you thought Medicare would cover? Thanks to common misconceptions about Medicare, it happens every day. In this presentation, learn what you can (and cannot) expect from Medicare so you can avoid unexpected medical and long-term care expenses.

VA Aid and Attendance Program

Did you know that the government created tax-free benefits for veterans and their surviving spouses and then made them nearly impossible to get? We’ve made it our mission to spread the word about the VA Pension Aid and Attendance benefit, an important and little-known program that can pay up to $30,000 per year. This presentation explains the basics.

Navigating the Long-Term Care Maze

When it comes to caring for elderly relatives, the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know” couldn’t be more appropriate. This presentation reveals the truth about our nation’s convoluted “long-term care system” and explains how caregivers can get the best care for their loved ones without burning themselves out in the process.

Advance Care Planning 101

This presentation lifts the lid on a topic that can be difficult to address. Learn which advance care planning documents you need, why you need them, how you get them, and the risks you face if you don’t have them.

Managing the Elder Care Journey

An older relative needs help. What do you do now? What resources are available? This presentation explains why it’s so important to create a roadmap for your loved one’s long-term care journey and how having a guide along the way can help you avoid innocent (and costly) mistakes.

If the topic you have in mind is not listed here, give us a call. In most cases, we can put together a presentation to meet your needs.

For more information or to book a speaker, call Kimbrough Law at 706.850.6910 or email


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