New Diet, Cognitive Training and Alzheimer’s Studies Enrolling Volunteers
Interested in volunteering for Alzheimer’s and related dementias research?
Search for clinical trials and studies near you with NIA’s clinical trials tool.
Here are some of the newest listings. Click on the trial name for details, including contact information.
Diet: MIND Diet to Prevent Cognitive Decline (Chicago, IL, and Boston, MA)
Drugs: Nilotinib for Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease (Washington, DC)
Cognitive Training: Cognitive Training to Prevent Postoperative Delirium (Ann Arbor, MI)
Early-Stage Alzheimer's: Health Care Use and Costs in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early-Stage Alzheimer's (multiple locations)
Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry (nationwide)—get information and updates about participating in future Alzheimer’s prevention trials.
GeneMatch (nationwide)—enroll to get matched to Alzheimer’s genetics studies.
Brain Health Registry (nationwide)—sign up for an online study of brain health and learn about possible research-study opportunities.
Get more information about these and other Alzheimer’s clinical trials. Or, call the ADEAR Center at 1-800-438-4380 (toll-free) or email