Stop Elder Abuse
As longevity increases and the population of older adults grows, abuse of the elderly is becoming a serious problem.
Scams Targeting Seniors: What We're Seeing Now
Scams targeting seniors are especially devastating to everyone involved. Here's a roundup of the scams we're seeing most in 2024.
Beware of the "One-Ring" Phone Scam
We are looking forward to the day when we can say with confidence that scams are a thing of the past. Unfortunately, today is not that...
Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Seniors
Abuse of seniors is commonly referred to as elder abuse. Unfortunately, it is more common than you may think. According to the National...
Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Did you know that every day 10,000 people turn 65 in the US alone? That trend is going to continue for nearly the next 20 years. Our...